Dear Queen

How are you, I mean how are you really?

I know everyone comes back to you, the children, siblings, parents and husband. You are the comfort everyone runs to just as Nigeria was/is our comfort when the world looks down on us.

I know you feel hurt, broken hearted and may have even fallen ill like I have! I want you to know that your feelings are validated, I want you to know that you have all reasons to feel lost despite you needing to stay strong for everyone.

Right now I understand that cooking is far from your mind, you don’t have the strength to go to the kitchen and whip up some of your usual magic!

I know food doesn’t solve all problems, I know that when we feel so torn and ripped from different parts, food is the last thing we want to think of.

Food however is that which cures us from the inside, makes us strong for the darkness that seems to have enveloped us. Make your meals wholesome, make it nutrient field and antioxidant fortified.

Go to your kitchen queen, and as the women of the past had fed their families even through wars, you go feed your family through this heartbreak too.

While you do this, please don’t underplayed your emotions, talk about it and pray about it. We need you to be strong, but most importantly we need your heart light to help us all heal.

Food could be love, healing and cure…

With love,
Your sister Shariifah.